Benefits of Membership
Applying for NECA membership will avail you of information necessary to efficiently manage your enterprise through:
(a) Effective representation/protection of business interest in relating with the three tiers of government, host communities and trade unions on industrial and employee relations as well as socio-economic and commercial issues affecting business.
(b) Access to comparative data on Terms & Conditions of Employment.
(c) Essential Information and advice on other areas affecting employers, such as taxation, environmental issues, social security, occupational health and safety, management of HIV/AIDS, etc
(d) An Opportunity to positively influence policy making at sectoral, sub-national and national levels in the interest of the business.
(e) Subsidised quality training and development programmes and consultancy services.
(f) Promotion of business linkages
(g) Access to Enterprise Development programmes in the areas of:
(i) Productivity Improvement
(ii) Start Your Business (SYB)
(iii) Improve Your Business (IYB)
(iv) Look After-Your Firm (LAYF)
(v) Business-Turn-arround Management (BTM)