Excellent organizations institute and adopt programmes and initiatives characterized as transformative, innovative and systematic. The achievement of these depend on effective leadership and governance processes, practices and systems. Adherence to Regulatory requirements, codes of corporate governance amongst others have proved to be pre-requisites for organizational sustainability. Effective leadership and governance creates a conducive environment for mainstreaming various human resources practices and also ensures there are sufficient support and checks and balances systems to ensure their success.
A key success factor among high performing organizations is their sharp focus on performance and results. For many employers, financial sustainability, efficient service delivery and growth are key indicators of results. Clear directions, strategies and values send strong signals for performance and help create a results-oriented culture. Plans and programs are well-deployed throughout the organization, systematically tracked at the unit and individual levels and are continuously improved.
Progressive employers practice Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – which reflect their commitment to contribute to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits for all stakeholders of the organization. CSR links well with organizational commitment to pursue and uphold ethical practices, which include abiding by relevant industry laws, health and safety, regulations and professional and behavioural standards.
Diversity means more than simply encouraging people from all backgrounds to apply for jobs irrespective of age, class, race, ethnicity, gender or disabilities. It requires making sure that adequate policies and practices are in place in your organization. Disability and Diversity ensures that all actions are non-discriminatory towards all persons; there is an increase participation of persons of all backgrounds across all the decision making points; and there is promotion of diversity practices throughout the work through deliberate policies and adherence to relevant legislation
High performing and people-focused employers tap the full potential of their workforce. They have multiple programmes for eliciting employee participation and systematically pay attention to their engagement levels and well-being. It is good practice to ensure that an organization has practices that are workforce focused with the objective of putting the right person in the right job and getting employees to deliver performance while feeling appreciated and equitably rewarded and seeing personal progress and growth through the organization.